Wet Mixing & Stabilisation
Tender ID: 565534
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Shire of Dalwallinu is seeking an experienced contractors to provide approx. 59,050" of wet mixing and 16,380 of foam bitumen stabilisation works for the 24- 25 capital works program.
All requests for tender documentation can be directed to Marc Bennett via email mws@dalwallinu.wa.gov.au.
All tenders must be received prior to the tender deadline, contained in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and tender name and lodged in the tender box situated in the office of Shire of Dalwallinu, 58 Johnston Street, Dalwallinu WA 6609, by post to PO Box 141 Dalwallinu 6609 or emailed to tenders@dalwallinu.wa.gov.au.
Jean Knight
Chief Executive Officer