Drinking Water Management Systems External Audit
Tender ID: 565930
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Central NSW Joint Organisation (CNSWJO) invites suitably qualified and experienced organisations to submit a Quotation for the supply of Drinking Water Management Systems Audit for Parkes Shire Council upon the conditions set out in this RFQ.
Please read the questions carefully and ensure all requested documentation is attached. All responses must be input into the designated response areas within the online form. Responses that are submitted as one PDF rather than in the designated boxes may not be accepted unless there is clear reference to the section and page number within the document relating to the specific question. Attachments are permitted for most questions.
Any questions in relation to the RFQ are to be made in writing through this portal. Tenderers should be aware that any question that requests information relating to the contents of the RFQ (as opposed to functionality of the e-procurement portal) will be responded to publicly through the portal to ensure all respondents are provided with the same information.