
Online Platform for Demographics Population Forecasts and Economy

Tender ID: 567141

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
14 September 2024
Closing Date:
10 October 2024

Tender Description

Wyndham City Council (WCC) is seeking tender responses from suitably qualified and duly experienced consultants to deliver an online platform that provides the most current information about Wyndham Population, growth and economy. To inform its decision making and service delivery, Council is looking for an online platform that can provide information along six key areas:

1 A community profile that provides demographic information.

2 A set of population, dwellings and household forecasts.

3 An overview of the Wyndham economy.

4 A mapping tool that displays, at the most detailed level possible, a range of variables, and that allows for exporting a map as an image, and for downloading the date in a filetype that Excel can open.

5 A housing availability and affordability function that allows for investigation.

6 A mechanism by which to gauge community sentiment on key issues affecting their lived experience in Wyndham to assist the Council to track the progress of the Council's Community Vision.

Documents are available for downloaded from the Wyndham City Council Supplier Portal, note that registration on the portal is required. There is no cost to register.

All enquiries relating to the works or services should be directed through the Message Forum established for this tender.

All submissions must be electronically submitted through the Wyndham City Council Supplier Portal no later than 12.00 noon Thursday 10 October 2024 (AEDST).

Late and tenders will not be accepted. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

Wyndham City Council


Victoria   :   Melbourne  

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