Anglican Diocese of Melbourne - Provision of a HRIS EOI
Tender ID: 567313
Tender Details
Tender Description
Anglican Diocese of Melbourne (ADOM) has appointed Procurement Australia to call for detailed expression of interests (EOI) for provision of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) to be implemented organizational wide.
This EOI will be the first stage of ADOM's project for this procurement, with the main objective to identify capable respondents who shall be shortlisted and invited into the second stage of the project, which is a formal and more detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) stage.
ADOM is seeking a system that can address various functional requirements as detailed in Part B of the EOI document.
ADOM consists of the Anglican Centre which employs approximately 70 Staff and a network of approximately 210 parishes with a total of approximately 900 paid staff and an unpaid volunteer network of more than 4000 office bearers and other role/position holders.