Ocean Beach Coastal Protection and Landfill Removal
Tender ID: 567440
Tender Details
Tender Description
The overall objective for the remedial works required in this tender are to:
i. Limit the potential for further erosion of the landfill coastal face; and
ii. Provide a barrier to prevent direct human contact with waste and prevent the release to air of asbestos fibres from landfill materials.
To achieve this remediation of the eastern most ~90m section of the beach is proposed and will comprise of the following:
i. Removal of Existing Contaminated Material to Waste: Remove Contaminated Landfill and Asbestos material to Class A Licenced landfill as required to form a face for the construction of the rock revetment seawall and encapsulation of the cut face with secured geotextile.
ii. Rock Supply and Construction of Rock Revetment Coastal Protection: Delivery of materials from Local Quarry supplier of Quarry Rock (armour rock average weight required approx. 5 tonne (see specification), and the construction of a rock revetment seawall as pre-engineered design and engineers direction.