
The Provision of Adult Migrant English Program Academy Services

Tender ID: 567460

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
17 September 2024
Closing Date:
31 January 2025

Tender Description

The Adult English Migrant Program (AMEP) Academy will deliver annual professional learning for AMEP Teachers and continue the development of high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources for AMEP Teachers and Clients.

The AMEP is the Australian Government’s longest running and largest settlement program. It provides English language tuition to eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants to help them learn English language and settlement skills to increase their social and economic participation in Australia. The activities are client-centred, evidence-based and inform a cycle of continuous improvement.

The AMEP Academy will also undertake research to inform innovation and implementation of best practice and be a central repository of advice for the Department to draw upon. The AMEP Academy will enable strong knowledge sharing capabilities by delivering fit for purpose online resources for the AMEP.

Other Instructions:

Note to Tenderers:

Whilst successful Tenderers are not permitted to also deliver services under the AMEP General Services agreement, they are able to submit a Tender Response in relation to all three AMEP procurements. If a Tenderer is deemed a preferred Tenderer under this AMEP Tender (i.e. for the provision of the AMEP Academy services) and also deemed a preferred Tenderer for the AMEP General Services Tender the Department will liaise with the Tenderer with regard to which service it would prefer to deliver.

Please note that AMEP Quality Assurance Services and AMEP Academy Services are able to be delivered by the same provider where the Department considers that no perceived, potential or actual conflict of interest arises.

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