
Preferred Suppliers List - Supply of Service

Tender ID: 567509

Tender Details

Your company is invited to apply to be listed as one of the Upper Hunter Shire Council's Preferred Suppliers List for the Supply of Service, a list of services is in the documentation. ...

Pricing Plans

Only pay for what you need - our plans are priced based on the number of users, regions and tender alerts you need. Cancel anytime.



Suitable for sole traders & small businesses.

$67per month

Pay monthly


  • 1 User
  • 1 Region, State or Territory
  • 2 tender alert profiles
  • Unlimited alert emails
  • Tender watchlist
  • Award tender notification
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Phone Support
Suppliers Buyers


Suitable for medium-sized businesses.

$99per month

Pay monthly


  • 10 Users
  • Australia
  • 20 tender alert profiles
  • Unlimited alert emails
  • Tender watchlist & awarded tenders
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Phone Support
  • 2 current tender ads
Suppliers Buyers


Suitable for large enterprise organisations.

$145per month

Pay monthly


  • 20 users
  • Australia & NZ
  • Unlimited tender alert profiles
  • Unlimited alert emails
  • Tender watchlist & awarded tenders
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Phone Support
  • 5 current tender ads
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New South Wales   :   Hunter  


Plant & Equipment   :   Plant & Equipment Hire  
Cleaning Services & Equipment & Supplies   :   Cleaning Services   :   Road & Footpath Sweeping Services  
Mechanical Plant & Equipment & Services   :   Industrial Pumps & Compressors   :   Mechanical Services   :   Refrigeration  
Electrical Systems & Lighting & Equipment & Services   :   Electrical Services  
Engineering & Research & Technical Based Services   :   Engineering Consulting Services   :   Geotechnical Services   :   Land Surveys   :   Project Management   :   Quantity Surveying  
Environmental & Heritage Services   :   Environmental Impact Assessments   :   Environmental Management   :   Flora & Fauna Survey & Management Services   :   Heritage Advisory Services  
Industrial Production & Manufacturing Services   :   Metal Fabrication & Welding  
Information & Communication Technology   :   IT Security Services   :   IT Services   :   Telecoms Carrier Services  
Business Administrative Services   :   Interpreting & Translating  
Security & Parking & Traffic Services & Equipment   :   Traffic Management & Control Services  
Politics & Civic Affairs Services   :   Public Administration & Finance Services  
Building Products & Materials   :   Softfall  
Commercial & Military & Private Vehicles & Accessories   :   Trucks  
Building & Facility Construction & Maintenance Services   :   Brick & Paving Laying   :   Commercial & Industrial Construction Services   :   Concreting   :   Fencing   :   Formwork & Steel Fixing   :   Painting & Decorating   :   Pest & Termite Control   :   Underground Services Location  
Civil Construction Services   :   Civil & Earth Works (General)   :   Road & Streetscape Construction & Maintenance   :   Stormwater Harvesting & Drainage Construction  
Horticulture & Arboriculture   :   Arboriculture Services   :   Vegetation Control & Management  
Water & Sewage   :   Pipe & Sewer & Drain Cleaning   :   Pipeline Construction   :   Pipes & Valves & Fittings   :   Sewer & Drain Maintenance & Rehabilitation   :   Sewer Inspection Service  
Human Resource Services & Recruitment   :   Occupational Health & Safety Services   :   Personnel Recruitment   :   Temporary Personnel & Labour Hire Services  
Management Advisory Services   :   Risk Management  
Legal   :   Legal services  
Architecture & Urban Design & Planning Services   :   Architecture   :   Landscape Architecture   :   Urban Design & Master Planning  
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