Whenuapai Potable Water Reticulation project
Tender ID: 567602
Tender Details
Tender Description
This ROI seeks organisations who can undertake the construction work required for the RNZAF Base Auckland “Whenuapai Potable Water Reticulation project”. The works include (but not limited to):
- Installation of approximately 16 km of pipe to supply the base and residential area with potable water
- Installation of valves and hydrants to provide protection and better functionality and access
- Installation of 3x flowmeters to provide zone metering to help inform network trends; and
- As-built survey of new watermains and installation of tracer wire to allow existing (to be abandoned) watermains to be located
The purpose of this ROI is to select a number of Respondents who may be shortlisted / invited to respond to a Request for Tenders (RFT) for the Whenuapai Potable Water Reticulation Project.
Note: All tender documents are attached to the SmartProcure Page under reference rxi_237. All communications regarding the RFT must come through the SmartProcure portal.
If you are interested in this opportunity and haven’t already done so, you can create your free SmartProcure account via https://nzdf.bravosolution.com