Campbelltown Medicare Mental Health Centre Expression of Interest
Tender ID: 568021
Tender Details
Tender Description
Interested parties are invited to express interest to South Western Sydney Primary Health Network (SWSPHN) in accordance with the instructions outlined in this document for Campbelltown Medicare Mental Health Centre (formerly Head to Health).
Aim of Service
To deliver an evidence informed, person-centred, recovery-oriented and cost-effective mental health services, aligned with a stepped care approach, through delivery of a Medicare Mental Health Centre, for adults who may be experiencing moderate to high levels of distress or crisis, including people with conditions too complex for many current primary care services, but who are not eligible for, or who need more timely care than that available through public mental health services.
Offer a highly visible and accessible 'no wrong door' entry point for adults and their families to access information and services which are designed to empower, support and improve their psychological and physical health, and social and emotional wellbeing.
Provide information and services which can assist those providing support to people in need.
Provide a welcoming, compassionate, culturally appropriate and safe environment that is inclusive for all people accessing services or supports that are trauma informed, person-centred and recovery focused.
Provide access across extended hours to best practice on the spot advice, support and care for immediate, short term, and where appropriate, medium-term needs delivered by a multidisciplinary collaborative professional health care team providing discipline specific and interdisciplinary care including a suitably trained peer support workforce, nursing and allied health and specialist medical care, without prior appointments or a fee.
Assist people in need to find, access and effectively utilise digital forms of help including information, support and therapies. Support people to connect to pathways of care through integration with longer term existing community mental health services where these are accessible and appropriate, local Primary Health Network commissioned services, or GPs and state and territory funded services, as required.
Provide an option for intervention and support that may reduce the need for emergency department attendance.
Explore opportunities for the development and utilisation of innovation to complement defined core functions, and to meet gaps in the provision of mental health services in the region.
Implement appropriate confidentiality and privacy arrangements in accordance with relevant legislation.
Operate under robust effective governance frameworks that support connectivity to other supports and services, and conduct local evaluation activities, to ensure transparency and accountability and maximising service quality.
Intended Outcomes
People requiring support in the area, or those attending the site, will recognise Campbelltown Medicare Mental Health Centre as an accessible entry point to the mental health care system for the services and information they need.
People will be able to access, or be connected to, the particular mental health and related services they are assessed as needing.
People will receive immediate advice and care which will reduce their level of mental and emotional distress.
Individuals experiencing high levels of psychological distress or in crisis will receive the care they need from the site, resulting in a reduction in the number of non-urgent presentations to local hospital emergency departments.