ICT and Cyber – Digital work-plan and roadmap development
Tender ID: 568295
Tender Details
Tender Description
This Tender is invited by the Issuer.
The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) is seeking an experienced provider to develop a Digital work-plan and roadmap to identify, articulate and communicate the critical focus areas and priorities for this period.
The MDBA has a current Digital Strategy 2023-2025 that underpins the priorities currently being delivered by the ICT and Data Branch. There is a broader long-term Business Strategy being planned, to shape a 10-year approach and outlook for the MDBA holistically. As a result of this, the Digital work-plan and roadmap (to cover a 12-to-18-month period) will provide a bridge from our current Digital Strategy and foundation to move to the Business Strategy model in the long-term. The scope of this work is to extend on and enhance the MDBA’s IT capability to allow for the integration of technology, information and data, business process, networks and infrastructure and cyber security in a compliant and operational ecosystem. Please see the attached requirement.
Estimated start date: Monday, 04 November 2024
Initial contract duration: 2 months
Extension term: 1 month
Number of extensions: 1
Location of work: ACT, Offsite