Lakes Creek Road Landfill - Car Park and Capping Construction
Tender ID: 568415
Tender Details
Tender Description
Rockhampton Regional Waste & Recycling (RRWR) requires a contractor to undertake the portion of capping and car park construction works to the East of the Re-Use Shop (Works). The location of the site is 152 Lakes Creek Road, North Rockhampton.
A portion of clay capping and new car park will be constructed on the closed landfill area to:
• Minimise infiltration of water into the waste.
• Provide a long-term stable barrier between waste materials and the environment.
• Prevent the uncontrolled escape of landfill gas.
• Provide car parking facilities to Re-Use Shop and other users.
• Provide a suitable drainage system around the area.
• Provide a grass cover to control the erosion and after use.