
Regional Sports Infrastructure Program – Bendigo Stadium - Head Contractor

Tender ID: 568616

Tender Details

Tender #:
EOI - 16309  
Publish Date:
30 September 2024
Closing Date:
21 October 2024

Tender Description

Development Victoria (DV) is intending to seek responses to a Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) to engage a Head Contractor for upgrade works to Bendigo Stadium.

The Bendigo Stadium upgrade scope of works will include:

  • Two new courts
  • Refurbishment of two existing courts
  • Lighting to existing outdoor netball courts
  • New solar panels, a back-up generator, and utility upgrades
  • Carpark and accessibility improvements

The contractor will be selected via a two-phase procurement process with an Open EoI followed by a detailed Request for Tender process for invited shortlisted bidders.

Bidders must demonstrate capability in managing projects of a value greater than $15 million.

This procurement will be subject to Ministerial Directions for Public Construction in Victoria, the Local Jobs First policy as a Strategic project, the Social Procurement Framework, Fair Jobs Code and the Building and Equality Policy

The successful respondent will be engaged under a Victorian Public Construction Contract, approved for use by Development Victoria.


Victoria   :   Loddon Mallee  

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