Sludge Surveys EGW Water Recycling Plants
Tender ID: 568775
Tender Details
Tender Description
East Gippsland Water is investing in the future to improve services to our customers. As part of our program of works, tenders are invited for the following:
CONTRACT No. 2197.210C: Sludge Surveys - EGW Water Recycling Plants
The scope of this project includes completion of sludge surveys and reports at Water Recycling Plants across East Gippsland Waters network.
There is no tender briefing scheduled for this tender.
Tender documentation will be available from 4:00PM on Monday 28th October 2024, for download from the website listed below.
Tender submissions must be made electronically via the East Gippsland Water website, prior to close of quotation, at (see option below) Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) submission are preferred, although files in Microsoft Work (.doc or .docx) or Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx) are also acceptable.
All tenders must be received in full before 4pm on Friday 22nd November 2024. Late tenders will not be considered. The lowest or any tender may not be accepted.
Enquiries regarding this work may be directed to the EGW Project Manager Glenn Grant at 0427 028 800 or by email at