Provision of Forest Inventory Services
Tender ID: 568948
Tender Details
Tender Description
Under this Request for Tender (the Request), the Commission invites Offers from suitably equipped, qualified and experienced businesses to enter into a Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) to provide Forest Inventory Services (the Services). Under the SOA Panel, Contractors will be responsible for conducting inventory plot measurements for pine, eucalypts and sandalwood plantations, including:
- Early Rotation Inventory (ERI) on unthinned plantations;
- ERI Stem Quality Assessments;
- Post-Thinning Inventory (PTI) following first, second and third thinnings plantations;
- PTI Stem Quality Assessments;
- Permanent Sample Plots (PSP);
- PSP Stem Quality Assessments;
- Pre-Harvest Inventory;
- Pre-Harvest Inventory Stem Quality Assessments;
- Carbon Assessment;
- Carbon Assessment Quality Control;
- Carbon Assessment Destructive Inventory; and
- Ad hoc Inventory Services.
These services may be completed in plantation, native forest or wild sandalwood areas and will be assigned by negotiation.