Cloud Marketplace Refresh
Tender ID: 569046
Tender Details
Tender Description
The DTA is inviting applications for admission to a whole of government Cloud Marketplace panel (CMP).
The CMP is a digital sourcing arrangement for cloud computing offerings to government, as managed by the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA). The CMP operates as a cooperative panel arrangement, with sellers being appointed through the initial open approach to market and subsequent refreshes.
This refresh approach to market is open to market participants seeking admittance to the following categories of the whole of government Cloud Marketplace:
• Category 1 – Cloud Services
• Category 2 – Cloud Consulting.
Existing Panellist’s already admitted to a category do not need to re-apply to those categories, but may apply for admittance to categories they are not already enrolled in.
Sellers who are not existing panellists on the Cloud Marketplace may apply for any or all categories.