WMUP Substations sites civil design
Tender ID: 569086
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Wellington Metro Upgrade Programme (WMUP) is issuing this Request for Proposals on behalf of KiwiRail’s Capital Projects and Asset Development team. WMUP is a rolling programme of work on the Wellington metro rail network to address deferred maintenance (catch up) and to provide new levels of capacity and performance (upgrades) with the objective of delivering a safe and reliable metro rail network that meets current and future customer expectations in the Wellington region.
The programme started in 2011 and is now made up of seven inter-linked sub programmes of work that collectively are critical to an integrated 12-year programme developing passenger rail in Wellington.
Metlink are planning to run a new train timetable in 2026 that will increase train services in Wellington and the wider region. To meet the power demands required to run the new timetable, KiwiRail proposed to build five new substations to meet the power demands. Each of the sites require civil design and engineering services to plan, design, and supervise construction works for all packages. The intial engagement will be for the Tawa site, with subsequent sites varied in, subject to confirmed funding and supplier performance, including pricing
We are looking for a multi-faceted civil design consultancy that has the capability, experience, and capacity to provide civil design professional services. You will be required to closely liaise with our substations designer to deliver integrated design solutions.
The RFP and Response Forms are attached. Please email our Point of Contact to access the supporting technical documents (Volume 2).