IT Solution for Community Aids and Equipment Program Development, Support and Maintenance
Tender ID: 569104
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) is a statewide program administered and funded by the Department of Health and delivered by WA Health services and external disability service providers. It provides access to aids, equipment and installations such as wheelchairs, shower chairs and ramps and rails, to people living in the community with health, disability or age related impairments. Individuals wishing to access CAEP are referred into the program by a general practitioner or other health professional, the individual’s equipment needs are assessed by an appropriate clinician and the equipment is sourced and provided by the CAEP service provider. The CAEP service provider is also responsible for managing ongoing maintenance and repairs on equipment issued under the program.
DoH requires the provision of a solution to support delivery of the CAEP. This new solution must be developed, implemented and ready for use by 1 July 2025 and should support the existing clientele while allowing for some modification to processes, as well as modernisation of the technical platform.
The new solution will enable:
• Service providers to record, track and report on equipment issued and associated expenditure;
• The Department of Health to monitor and track expenditure and monitor and maintain program settings;
• Recording of program data to evaluate program delivery and inform future program planning and development.