Governance Portal (Risk Management, Delegations, Compliance & Audit System)
Tender ID: 569396
Tender Details
Tender Description
Whitsunday Regional Council (Council) is requiring a Governance Portal Software Solution in line with the core governance principles to consisting of:
a) Transparency;
b) Accountability;
c) Integrity;
d) Due diligence and economy;
e) Efficiency; and
f) Effectiveness.
This Governance Portal Software Solution is to enhance Council's current processes to:
a) Mitigate and manage risk;
b) Improve accountability;
c) Enforce compliance;
d) Implement checks and balances across the organisation;
e) Maintain due process; and
f) Demonstrate compliance to legislative and statutory requirements.
The solution must have the following features:
a) Integration;
b) Data Management;
c) Audit Portal;
d) Organisation-Wide Reporting;
e) Organisation-wide transparency;
f) Manage reminders and notifications; and
g) Conforms to industry standards and best practices.
This contract will be for a period of two years from the 'Go Live' date of this new Governance Portal Software Solution (Service Commencement Date) for a period of two (2) years with an option of a twelve (12) month extension at Council's discretion.