Road Pavement Rehabilitation Program - Gambolds Lane
Tender ID: 569527
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Rural City of Wangaratta (RCoW) is seeking a suitably qualified contractor to complete the detailed design and reconstruction of the pavement from Gambolds Lane to Baileys Lane.
The total distance of Gambolds Lane is 1121m. The last 500m of pavement to Baileys Lane has failed and will have to be rehabilitated and then the entire length of the lane will be resealed. Table drains on both sides are not functioning to their full capacity, so a reconstruction of table drains on both is required.
Tenders will include the following:
- Completion of Response Schedule as supplied
- Construction Methodology to be submitted as part of assessment.
- Works programme/timeline showing key dates and milestones.
- Evidence of experience in successfully delivering similar types of projects.
- Completion of the Schedule of Rates spreadsheet (information to be submitted in the provided template).
- Tenderers should make their own assessment of the Services to be provided, and base their tenders accordingly.
All enquiries regarding this opportunity, including the Specification and contract terms and conditions are to be lodged via this tendering portal at least 48 hours prior to the nominated closing time. Questions lodged after this time will not be responded to.