Managing Contractor to deliver construction services for Building 14 (B14) – Sports Training & Facility (STF), Services Upgrades Project at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Campus in Bruce, ACT
Tender ID: 570059
Tender Details
Tender Description
Building 14, Sports Training Facility, was originally constructed in 1984 and is a multisport and multi-use facility. The building includes a gym, a combat centre, spa, change rooms, public toilets, meeting rooms and a large theatrette. Much of the HVAC plant and electrical infrastructure serving the building is original. Mechanical assets and their performance have deteriorated over time and are reaching the end of their economic life. Additionally, electrical infrastructure requires upgrades to meet current demand loads and compliance standards. In addition to building services upgrades, this project also includes passive fire upgrade works and skylight replacement. It is also proposed that, subject to funding approval, other works to Building 14 be undertaken concurrently with the building services and related upgrades, in order to minimise disruption to the users.
The ASC is seeking to engage a Managing Contractor to deliver construction services, including staging and associated services to facilitate the project outcomes.
Project Details
Building 14 is a multisport and multi-use facility constructed in 1984. It includes a gym, a combat centre, spa, change rooms, public toilets, meeting rooms and a large theatrette. Much of the HVAC plant and electrical infrastructure serving the building is original. Mechanical assets and their performance have deteriorated over time and are reaching the end of their economic life.
The building includes a spa plant room at ground level and three primary mechanical plant rooms are located on the upper floor level: the boiler plant room, the theatrette plant room, and the Combat Centre plant room. A significant proportion of the mechanical plant in these spaces is to be replaced.
The Central Chiller plan, located in Building 33, supplies chilled water to a number of buildings on site, including B14. It is intended that, as part of the project, B14 be disconnected from the Central Chiller plant and new heat pumps will be provided at B14 to supply chilled and heating hot water for the building. Associated with building services upgrades, a number of related upgrades to the building fabric are also proposed.
It is also proposed that, subject to funding approval, other works to Building 14 will be undertaken concurrently with the building services and related upgrades, in order to minimise disruption to building users.
Based on the current project budget approval and pending funding approval for FY25-26, the proposed project would comprise 3 packages:
- Package 01 (Funded) – Building services upgrades, passive fire upgrades, new plant enclosure, new auto sliding glass door and skylights replacement
- Package 02 (Unfunded) – Cladding and glazing replacements and roofing repairs
- Package 03 (Unfunded) – Interior upgrade works
Package 01 works primarily focuses on upgrading the mechanical services infrastructure. Additionally, the electrical infrastructure requires upgrades to meet new electrical loads and current compliance standards. A new external plant enclosure to accommodate new heat pumps and associated infrastructure, will also be constructed. Passive fire upgrades to plant rooms will be undertaken, a new automatic sliding glass door will be installed in the ‘tunnel’ connecting Building 14 and the adjacent Building 13 to separate the air conditioning systems and existing roof skylights (some of which abut exhaust fans) will also be replaced.
In addition to the above scope, tenderers will be requested to provide managing contractor fees to manage the design and construction of Packages 02 and 03, noting that these scopes are subject to funding approval. As indicated above, the packages comprise: Package 02 – replacement of all wall cladding and glazing to the exterior of the building, as well as roofing repairs; and Package 03 - fit-out upgrades to the upper floor meeting rooms and the ground floor public toilets. It is intended that if funding of these packages is approved, the works will be undertaken concurrently with Package 01 works, to the extent feasible.
The key project objectives are:
- Best Value for Money for the ASC;
- Delivery of services on time and budget;
- Economical whole of life cost;
- Energy conservation and ecological sustainable development (ESD).
- Compliance with codes and authority requirements; and
- Achievement of functional requirements of the relevant ASC stakeholders.
The project is seeking to commence preliminary activities in February 2025 with a target construction completion date of December 2025.
Electrical Systems & Lighting & Equipment & Services : Electrical Services : Lamps & Light Bulbs : Lighting & Light Poles
Engineering & Research & Technical Based Services : Engineering Consulting Services
Building Products & Materials : Doors & Windows & Glass
Building & Facility Construction & Maintenance Services : Building & Facility Maintenance & Repairs : Commercial & Industrial Construction Services : Fit Out : Formwork & Steel Fixing : Glass & Glazing : Hydraulic Services : Plumbing & Gas Fitting : Roof Plumbing : Waterproofing & Sealing
Civil Construction Services : Sportsfield & Playground Construction
Architecture & Urban Design & Planning Services : Architecture
Fire & Safety : Fire Products & Systems : Fire Protection Services