EOI Complimentary Concept Designs for Housing Developments
Tender ID: 570121
Tender Details
Tender Description
Are you the owner of a block of land that has the potential to increase the housing supply in Broome? Is the land un-developed or could be developed further?
To help address Broome's housing shortage, the Shire of Broome, with funding from the Federal Government, is offering complimentary concept designs for housing developments to stimulate the creation of more housing.
Submissions will be evaluated against the Selection criteria in Part 3.1 with the successful submissions receiving the following services:
- Meeting with design consultants to discuss options for the site and determine the landowner’s preferred outcome.
- High-level design testing to understand sites limitations and potential development opportunities.
- A site development sketch of the preferred design outcome.
- A high-level financial estimate to determine if the proposed development results in a positive financial gain.
- A high-level model to determine if the proposed housing types are acceptable to the market at the resultant price.
This opportunity is complimentary, and participation is at the owner’s discretion.Twelve (12) opportunities are available, if interested, please read the Expression of Interest document(PDF, 226KB) and complete the forms in Part 3.2 and return it to the Shire by November 6, 2024.
Return to the Shire through one of the following options:
Email to shire@broome.wa.gov.au
Deliver hardcopy to Shire Administration Building, 27 Weld Street, Broome
Mail to PO Box 44 Broome 6725
For further information, please contact the Shire at shire@broome.wa.gov.au or (08) 9191 3456.