EGP Reversal & Expansion Project Facilities Construction
Tender ID: 570266
Tender Details
Tender Description
The EGP is a key natural gas supply artery between gas fields in Gippsland, Victoria and the major gas markets in NSW and the ACT.
Jemena has completed a project to connect an Import Terminal at Port Kembla, to a new lateral pipeline named the Port Kembla Pipeline (PKP) to supply gas into the EGP. The EGPRE project will enable reverse flow of the EGP south of the Kembla Grange Meter Station to supply gas into the Victoria.
There is expected to be a total of up to 500 MMSCFD of gas being injected into the EGP from the Floating Storage and Regassification Unit (FSRU) in Port Kembla to be transported to the Victorian and New South Wales gas pipeline networks.
The scope includes, but is not limited to, the complete procurement, off-site and on-site fabrication, transportation and delivery and brownfield construction activities for the EGP Station Reversal & Expansion brownfields works for Michelago, Mila and Longford Compressor Stations.
Contractors interested in participating in this RFT must email to get set up in Aconex to ensure transfer of all supporting technical documentation for the scope of works.