End-of-Life Tyre Collection and Recycling
Tender ID: 571019
Tender Details
Tender Description
Logan City Council (Council) is seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced companies for the provision of End-of-Life Tyre Collection and Recycling.
Any questions and responses shall be collated, documented and distributed to all tenderers to ensure equity and fairness to all respondents.
All enquiries in relation to this tender must be submitted via the Online Forum.
Completed responses must be submitted using the tender response forms via the tendering Portal. You are able to reference and attach relevant separate documentation as part of your response to questions to support your submission.
Respondents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion. Should assistance be required please use the online manual on the portal under Support/Online Manuals/Making a Submission.
An online tender briefing session will be held for prospective tenderers, via MS Teams.
Attendance at the online tender briefing session is not mandatory.
The Tender can only be submitted electronically and prior to the Closing Date. At any time prior to the Closing Date, Council may issue additional or different information to tenderers, which shall be taken into account in preparation of the Tender.