Active Stonnington Strategy Development
Tender ID: 571035
Tender Details
Tender Description
The City of Stonnington (the Council) is seeking to engage a suitably qualified consultant to provide the following services to support the development of the Active Stonnington Action Plan and Sports Infrastructure Plan.
• Engagement planning– Refine the engagement plan for the community engagement program, including the development of engagement activities.
• Engagement program delivery – Deliver a variety of engagement activities as outlined in the community engagement program.
• Analysis and reporting – analyse findings and prepare a detailed engagement report, as well as a graphically designed for easy consumption by the community.
Please see Attachment A for the detailed specifications
Community engagement is needed to understand barriers and promoters of participation in sports and active recreation in the City of Stonnington to create a detailed plan of actions and priorities for the Active Stonnington Action Plan and the Sports Infrastructure Plan. Council seeks to understand the community's views on and experience of living a physically active lifestyle and/or being involved in sports in the City of Stonnington.
A consultant is needed to facilitate several community engagement activities with key internal and external stakeholders.
1. Refine Community Engagement Activities and develop a project plan to achieve the community engagement objectives
a. Develop a session plan and interview activities to facilitate interviews and conversations
2. Deliver the Community Engagement Activities
a. Facilitate 14 (TBC) x 60–90-minute focused conversations and interviews with key internal and external stakeholders
3. Collate, analyse, and report on engagement findings, including producing detailed and visually appealing reports.
a. Must include detailed reporting on the barriers/ challenges and enablers/promoters