Supply of printed books with associated metadata (MARC records) and ancillary services (shelf ready services) for ARLAC members
Tender ID: 571176
Tender Details
Tender Description
ARLAC is seeking proposals for the supply of books, electronic books and ancillary services for ARLAC Member Libraries along with the supply of serials (print and electronic format). ARLAC currently consists of the State Library of Victoria, La Trobe University, RMIT University, Federation University Australia, Victoria University, Charles Darwin University, University of Tasmania and Flinders University. These entities will be referred to Members or Member Libraries throughout. The participating Member Libraries aim to achieve maximum value from their expenditure on books through favourable pricing as well as access to a range of cost-effective ancillary services such as the supply of MARC records and pre-processing of books.
They also expect excellent customer service, efficient delivery of print materials and to achieve operating efficiencies by increasing integration of service providers’ systems with their Integrated Library Systems (ILS). This proposal is intended to replace a previous existing ARLAC agreement with a panel arrangement of suitable suppliers whom ARLAC Members can engage with as needed. The categories of Deliverables required in this Tender are:
- Category 1 - Print books
- Category 2 - eBooks
- Category 3 - Serials in print and electronic formats
- Category 4 - Ancillary Services including selection, metadata and end processing
The services sought are primarily for the supply of current, books in print and digital format (eBooks) as well as related ancillary services and supply of serials, including print and electronic format. Member libraries are interested in the integrated provision of materials listed above but will not be under any obligation to purchase materials and / or services from any particular panellist. The Member Libraries vary in the percentage spend between print materials and eBooks. The objective of the process is to award a panel of Suppliers offering Member Libraries the opportunity to purchase quality print and electronic resources with options for ancillary services.
Submissions should demonstrate the ability to supply, quality of service, usability of eBook platforms, range of services offered and the scope for efficiency gains through integration of operating processes between service providers and the participating libraries. Transparent pricing submissions will also provide valuable information to Members who are seeking value for money.