
General Residential Care Services

Tender ID: 571327

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
30 October 2024
Closing Date:
15 January 2025

Tender Description

The Department for Child Protection (DCP) is seeking to engage multiple service providers as a result of this Invitation to Supply (ITS), to deliver high quality, trauma-informed general residential care services throughout metropolitan and regional South Australia (SA).

General residential care is defined by DCP as an out-of-home care placement option providing short-term, long-term or responsive accommodation and support to children and young people in a residential premises (not a carers’ or young persons' own home) where a family-based placement is not suitable or available.

The service provider will be required to provide the general residential care service to children and young people who may be aged 0 – 17 years who are under Guardianship or Custody of the Chief Executive or other order or authority. The service provider is required to place children and young people who have been removed from the care of a person under the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 (the Act) in a safe, nurturing, stable and secure environment.

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