NGN - Adopting innovative solutions for challenging soils
Tender ID: 571903
Tender Details
Tender Description
Growers at the Cascade, Cunderdin and Ballidu NGN forums prioritised improvement of the establishment of all crops on areas where transient salinity, kopi and dispersive/sodic soils. As the trend for breaking winter rains changes becoming smaller and like 2024, later, these soil constraints are having a bigger impact on crop establishment. Implementing some of the treatments identified in the sodic soils project look to be cost prohibitive, so undertaking an economic analysis as part of this investment is essential.
This investment will trial different treatments across three trial sites located in the shires of Cascade, Cunderdin and Ballidu. At least two treatments will be replicated across all sites, with other treatments chosen by local growers.
The trials will be small plot and will run for three years to allow for rotational benefits to be tracked and treatment stability to be monitored.