
Rainwater Reuse Services

Tender ID: 571951

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
7 November 2024
Closing Date:
5 December 2024

Tender Description

The Council of the City of Sydney (the 'City') requests tenders for the provision of routine maintenance and repair work of the rainwater reuse systems, and to ensure that those rainwater reuse systems continue to operate efficiently during the contract term at the City buildings, aquatic centres, and parks.

In 2023, the City engaged a contractor to gather:

- asset information including an asset register, photographs and process flow diagrams;

- end-user needs to enable better rainwater utilisation;

- retire rainwater reuse systems that were no longer needed;

- complete the necessary repairs to approved rainwater reuse systems; and

- provide recommendations for expansion of rainwater reuse systems.

These tasks were completed in 2023/2024 and as a result the City has a good understanding of the rainwater reuse systems, equipment, routine maintenance requirements and the nature and frequency of typical repair task.

The objective is to enable the City to maintain and operate its rainwater reuse systems, repair the rainwater reuse systems as needed and maximise the use of rainwater.


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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