Hyperacute Stroke Documentation Tool and Virtual Shared Care Tooling
Tender ID: 572035
Tender Details
Tender Description
Current State:
Metro North Hospital Health Services (the Customer) is seeking proposals to a Request for Information (RFI) MNHHS125815 to meet their identified objectives (described in RFI documentation). Customer seeks market information to identify and assess all capable suppliers in the market who may be able to provide a modern Commercial off the shelf (COTS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution (including software licensing entitlement, etc).
The Customer has undertaken a high-level top desk analysis of potential tool/solution specifications.
The Opportunity
Suppliers are invited by the Customer to submit a response for the RFI for the information for the supply of a Hyperacute Stroke Documentation Tool and Virtual Shared Care Tooling.
If deemed applicable and relevant, and solely at the Customer’s discretion, the Customer may decide to proceed further, in the form of an Invitation to Offer (ITO) at a later stage and under a separate procurement activity altogether.
Contact details
Name: Edwin Velasquez
Position: ICT Procurement Specialist
Agency: Metro North Health
Email: Edwin.Velasquez@health.qld.gov.au