Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence, including Child Sexual Abuse (FDSV) Pilot Project 2023 2026
Tender ID: 572069
Tender Details
Tender Description
WVPHN invites suitably qualified and experienced organisations, with the capability and capacity to deliver at least one, and up to three, FDSV-SV Integrator Role(s) across WVPHN Region, to submit a tender response.
Aligning with the existing FVC roles, servicing the western Victorian region, the SV Integrators will play a critical role to support the program’s transition from family violence focus, to now include sexual violence, and child sexual abuse. Aimed at enhancing capacity and capability of general practices, and primary care providers to recognise, respond, refer patients at risk of, or experiencing family, domestic, and sexual violence including child sexual abuse, the family violence connectors, and sexual violence integrators will form a team of specialised FDSV commissioned services to deliver tailored bespoke training to primary care services, and enhance coordination and integration of FDSV services across the local primary care sector.