Mobile Planter Display Program
Tender ID: 572418
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Council of the City of Sydney ("the City") invites tenders for the carrying out of Mobile Planter Displays Program across several Spring and Summer display sites, Christmas planters, hanging baskets, Green Wall and George Street Light Rail installations across the LGA in accordance with this Request for Tender.
Through the Sustainable Sydney 2030 Strategy, the City has recognised its responsibilities to create a sustainable, liveable, creative, and vibrant city, and the Mobile Planter Display Program is one of the ways of achieving these goals. The program is a celebrated installation in the central business district and surrounding neighborhoods.
The Display Sites span the Sydney LGA's Hardstand Areas to increase green moments and reduce heat thorough moveable planters where permanent greening is not achievable. These sites create calming and respite in areas such as Martin Place, and St Mary's Cathedral which come alive and encourage the community to engage with ornamental horticulture.
Sustainability is integral to all processes at the City and the Mobile Planter Display Program embodies this. Following the Display Period, suitable plants are recycled through giveaway programs for schools, community and daycare centres, and customer service centres with the remaining plants being composted.
The Contract is a Schedule of Rates and Schedule of Prices Contract for an initial 3-year term with two 12-month options to further extend (3+1+1) subject to performance and at the City's discretion.
Please note that all rates must be filled in the appropriate Schedules. Failure to fill all rates will result in the Tender being assessed as non-conforming.
Tenderers must demonstrate that they have the capacity and resources to deliver the program they are tendering for, including when they intend to use subcontractors.
The City will assess all tender submissions based on value for money considering both qualitative criteria and overall cost.
The City is committed to creating opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses. The City encourages First Nations People businesses, Local SME, Start-ups as well as social enterprises (including Cooperatives) to work with us and respond to this opportunity.
If you have any difficulties, please contact the Procurement Representative in the first instance.