
Defence Intelligence Enterprise Learning Analyse and Design

Tender ID: 572435

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
12 November 2024
Closing Date:
9 December 2024

Tender Description

This Tender is invited by the Issuer.

The Defence College of Intelligence (DCI) requires contractor augmentation and support in order to achieve the intelligence training analysis, design, development and delivery required by the joint force and Defence Intelligence Enterprise to meet Epoch 1 timeframes in support of the National Defence Strategy. Requirements include evaluation, analysis, design and development of existing common and joint foundational intelligence courses, for development of new courses to support workforce capability requirements of new and emerging systems, and rationalisation of job tasks and extant training outputs against baseline enterprise skillsets.

They also include continued design and development of priorities that DCI is already committed to but not resourced to achieve, including completion of the Target Intelligence; Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance; and Counterintelligence suites of courses, and implementation (or augmented implementation) of foundational and specialist courses across the domain schools. Contractors will be required to provide 'train the trainer' packages to facilitate handover of courseware, and to participate in associated working groups and other fora where required.

DCI are seeking this support through either direct provision of subject matter experts in both learning design and the required training topic, or via a contract management team with expertise in learning design coordinating sub-contractors with appropriate subject matter expertise. Alternate delivery / management methods will be considered if appropriate.

The seller must use its reasonable endeavours to increase its purchasing from Indigenous enterprises, and employment of Indigenous Australians, in the delivery of the Goods and/or Services.

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