
Restoration Actions and Restoration Contributions Calculator – Phase 2a

Tender ID: 572520

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
13 November 2024
Closing Date:
9 December 2024

Tender Description

In December 2022, the Minister for the Environment and Water, the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, released the Nature Positive Plan: better for the environment, better for business (the Plan). This is the Australian Government’s response to Professor Graeme Samuel AC’s independent review of the EPBC Act. The Plan sets out the Australian Government’s (government) commitments to reform Australia’s environmental laws to better protect, restore and manage our unique environment.

Under the proposed reforms, proponents would be able to continue to compensate for the residual adverse significant impacts of their actions using measures to be referred to as restoration actions. Additionally, for some protected matters they would have the new option of making a payment to the government to deliver a restoration action on their behalf (to be called restoration contributions). Restoration contributions will be calculated using an easy-to-use calculator tool, similar to those used in other jurisdictions.

2. The overall Project’s objective is to develop an easy-to-use, web-based, fully integrated Restoration Action and Restoration Contribution Calculator (RARCC). This calculator will estimate both the quantum of restoration action required to deliver the outcome with a projected gain, and the monetary value of a restoration contribution that would recover the costs to government in delivering such quantum of restoration action. This overall project will be split into several phases. A mix of scientific ecological, economic and IT expertise will be required for this service beyond what is available in the department.

The department has previously completed phase 1, which included the development of a prototype Restoration Contributions Calculator. This phase (2a) includes:

• In the context of the future policy settings proposed in the Australian Government’s creform agenda, an independent review of:

      o The updated Offsets Assessment Guide (OAG) (Current Calculator)

      o The prototype Restoration Contributions Calculator (RCC) (developed in Phase 1)

• Recommendation on the best approach for an integrated Restoration Actions and Restoration Contributions Calculator (RARCC), including utilising the existing OAG and prototype RCC.

• Further discovery, including user requirements, output design and a workplan for the recommended RARCC approach.

3. It is intended that this procurement will enable the department to identify critical issues that may impact the development of a fully integrated RARCC. The workplan developed in this procurement will be used to procure further work to deliver the fully integrated RARCC in Phase 2b.

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