Expression of Interest - Resourced Consultants
Tender ID: 572530
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Latrobe Health Assembly are seeking expressions of interest from appropriately resourced consultants to support us as we explore four topics of importance within our community:
1. Scoping project - Supported Playgroups Mental Health Program Extension
The Latrobe Health Assembly is seeking to engage a consultant to undertake a community scoping project to determine the potential benefits of re-establishing and expanding the Supported Playgroups Mental Health Program across the Latrobe Valley.
2. Community Health Nursing in Preschools evaluation
The Latrobe Health Assembly is seeking to engage a consultant for an evaluation of the Community Health Nurses in Preschools (CHNIPres) program.
3. Business Case Development - Mobile Health Hub
The Latrobe Health Assembly is seeking to engage an agency (consultant or organisation) to conduct a feasibility study for the implementation of a Mobile Health Hub as detailed in the Latrobe Health Assembly - Community-Based Models for Early Detection and Intervention for Chronic Conditions Report.
4. Children's mental health - Developing a Latrobe Valley specific support hub .
The Latrobe Health Assembly is seeking to engage a consultant to work with community members, service providers and subject-matter experts to develop a universal, single front door children's mental health hub model and evaluation plan for the pilot of this concept in the Latrobe Valley.
To find out more about these opportunities and request an EOI Application document, please ke contact the Latrobe Health Assembly.
EOI closing date: 29th November 2024, 5:00pm.
Latrobe Health Assembly
(03) 5173 8400 -