Road User Charges – Retail Services
Tender ID: 572729
Tender Details
Tender Description
This Request for Information (RFI) relates to the Government’s decision to transition the light petrol vehicle fleet into the road user charges (RUC) system, with the transition beginning as early as 2027.
The Government is interested in the development of retail services that would provide a modern, easy-to-use way for people to pay their road user charges as an alternative to the current, largely manual payment system. Retail Services includes any service that supports the purchase, measurement, or management of RUC.
Through this RFI, the Ministry of Transport is seeking to understand respondents’ interest in providing, or continuing to provide, some RUC retail services once the transition starts, and if so, what type of services respondents would be interested in providing.
This RFI will inform the development of policy for a reformed RUC system, and ultimately, policy, legislative and regulatory changes.
This is not a tender process, government procurement rules prevent direct contracting with a potential supplier based off an RFI response.