Resource Consent lodgement portal expression of interest
Tender ID: 572937
Tender Details
Tender Description
Kaipara District Council is committed to improving its regulatory services and achieving Council’s vision of “Kaipara the place to be!” We want to use technology to regulate in a customer-friendly and efficient way. We have an online lodgment and processing portal for buildings consent applications, but we do not have one for resource consents.
We are seeking expressions of interest from service providers to implement and host an appropriate online resource consent portal for customers and processors to:
▪securely log into and lodge resource consent applications under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA)
▪pay fees
▪process applications according to the requirements of the RMA with all communication and information relay between the Council and the customer taking place within the portal
▪issue consents, approve plans and create invoices through the portal
▪monitor resource consent conditions and confirm compliance