Expression of Interest Cultural Heritage Management
Tender ID: 573081
Tender Details
Tender Description
OzArk Environment & Heritage has been engaged by Mr Lyu Pty Ltd (the proponent) to complete an Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment for the Dwelling House and subdivision of Lot 11 DP1084421, at 74-76 Beaconsfield Road, Moss Vale, in the Wingecarribee local government area. These activities may result in harm to Aboriginal cultural heritage.
OzArk is seeking Aboriginal persons and / or groups who wish to be consulted about the project. This consultation group will assist OzArk and the proponent in the preparation of an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report, as required by Heritage NSW in their consideration of a potential Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit application.
If you hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal objects or places in the project area, please register your interest to be consulted Registrations can be made by post: OzArk PO Box 2069 Dubbo NSW 2830;
Email: or by phoning OzArk on (02) 6882-0118.
All submissions should be received no later than 27th November 2024.v