
Expression of Interest for a range of civil services

Tender ID: 573105

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
19 November 2024
Closing Date:
3 December 2024

Tender Description

Queensland Urban Utilities is responsible for delivering water and waste water services to customers in the Brisbane, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim, and Somerset local authority areas.

Queensland Urban Utilities is seeking Expressions of Interest to provide various civil or trade services necessary to support a range of maintenance activities in these regions, including but not limited to:

  1. Concrete cutting services
  2. Asphalt restoration services
  3. Concrete and maintenance hole repairs
  4. Vacuum excavation services, and
  5. General network plumbing services.

Urban Utilities is seeking to understand the suppliers that may have:

  • interest and appetite to perform some or many of the above services, and
  • the current capabilities and capacity to perform some or many of the services, and
  • the ability and intention to grow and extend its current capability and capacity if it is does or may not have the current scale of operations to meet Urban Utilities’ requirements in a certain area.

Urban Utilities is aiming to drive social and economic value in the regions where it operates and is looking to provide opportunities to partner with capable and competitive local suppliers, including small business operators, where those provides can provide low-risk and value for money solutions.

Urban Utilities will review responses received in relation to this Expression of Interest and determine both how it plans to engage with the market and the suppliers it will consider for each of the services.

If you are seeking to respond to this Expression of Interest, please complete the attached form:  


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