
Imprest Medication Management Grants for Residential Aged Care Homes

Tender ID: 573124

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
19 November 2024
Closing Date:
10 January 2025

Tender Description

As part of its capability-building work, NWMPHN is providing RACHs with the opportunity to apply for grants of $4,000 (excluding GST) to support the establishment of an imprest system.

An imprest system allows appropriately registered health practitioners to access medications for urgent and end-of-life use. Examples include antibiotics and Schedule 8 pain relief medicines. Imprest medications are supplied to RACHs as ‘ward stock,’ not yet prescribed to a specific resident.

The system allows qualified practitioners, such as GPs and nurse practitioners, to prescribe medications for clinical staff to administer to residents. This is especially important during the afterhours period, such as during the weekend and overnight, when pharmacies are unable to process urgent scripts.

The purpose of providing this medication imprest grant funding is for RACHs to be able to effectively manage patient deterioration, provide timely access to medication for residents and reduce the number of unnecessary hospital presentations from RACHs, particularly for palliative residents. 

The first round of the NWMPHN imprest project began in early 2024. For a summary of results and usage, please see this assessment.

This document includes:

• an overview of the opportunity to participate

• eligibility requirements

• details about the expression of interest and grant processes.

Grant purpose and term

We are seeking to engage a limited number of RACHs to participate in the imprest system project. It will run from November 2024 until June 2025.

Funding of $4,000 (excluding GST) per RACH will be provided. This will support:

• the purchase of the imprest system including

o required health service permit

o imprest safe and installation

o initial medication stock

o Provide dedicated staff allocation for developing procedural information and training across the RACH

• to set up the imprest system, RACH staff to participate in monthly check-ins, either in person or via phone with the project team, such as the:

o development of required policies and procedures

o establishment of a medication advisory committee

o communication to staff and providers of the system and how it is best used

o education for staff on using the imprest

o including it into RACH after-hours plans

o completing evaluation data with the project officers to assist with identifying outcomes from implementation of medication imprest

• participation in 3 communities of practice, including with each RACH supply pharmacy, with a focus on education and sharing lessons across RACHs.


Victoria   :   Melbourne  

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