
Small and Large Market Gas Supply

Tender ID: 573184

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
20 November 2024
Closing Date:
4 December 2024

Tender Description


As announced on 1 July 2023, the Councils of the University of Adelaide (UoA) and the University of South Australia (UniSA) have entered into a formal agreement to work together to support the State Government in the creation of a new leading contemporary and comprehensive university of global standing.

This university for the future, to be called Adelaide University, will make transformational investments in teaching and research, will be a stronger magnet for talented staff and students, and will conduct outstanding research of scale and focus.


The intention of this RFT is for each University (University of Adelaide and University of South Australia), under its existing ABN, to enter into contracts for small and large market gas. Upon merger these contracts shall be novated into one contract using the ABN for Adelaide University. It is expected that the successful supplier with agree to novation of these contracts based upon the Adelaide University meeting the following criteria:

a) Adelaide University meets credit criteria.

b) As a result of novation there is no change to the sites manner of use of gas, no change to the load profile of the sites or the target consumption of the sites. This shall be within an agreed threshold which allows Adelaide University to proceed with consolidation of some sites.



Utilities   :   Natural Gas  
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