Tender for the Internet and VoIP Services
Tender ID: 573190
Tender Details
Tender Description
Shire of Mundaring currently uses a mixture of 1 x NBN Fibre to the Premises, 12 x NBN Fibre to the Node, 10 x NBN Enterprise Ethernet Fibre, 1 x NBN Fixed Wireless and 1 x Starlink connection. The detailed specifications of these connections can be found below in Section 2.5 of the tender document. These internet services connect with the Shire's Sophos XG firewalls to create an SD-WAN between all its sites.
The Shire has VoIP services linked to the majority of these connections, detailed in section 2.5.
The Shire would prefer to utilise the existing cabling and hardware, however alternative solutions will be accepted for consideration.
The Tenderer should provide solutions equal or better than what is detailed in section 2.5 and will be assessed with a value for money approach.