Supply and Delivery of Vacuum Excavator Truck
Tender ID: 574099
Tender Details
Tender Description
The City of Bayswater is a WA local government located approximately eight kilometres north east of the Perth CBD. It includes the suburbs of Bayswater, Bedford, Embleton, Morley, Noranda, Maylands and parts of Mount Lawley and Dianella.
The City is seeking Responses from suitably qualified and experienced vendors for the supply and delivery of one (1) Vacuum Excavator truck in accordance with the Statement of Requirement as contained in the Request.
For further Contractual and Technical Information:
Please contact the City’s Coordinator Fleet Services, Sam Latella on (08) 9270 4168.
Offer Lodgment:
Offers must be lodged electronically via the City's tender portal site.
It is recommended that tenderers lodge their submissions at least half an hour prior to the closing time to allow for any delays in transmission of large documents.
The City is not bound to accept any offer. Canvassing of Elected Members and City officers will automatically disqualify any offer submitted.