Cleaning Services - CDSCC Tidbinbilla
Tender ID: 574217
Tender Details
Tender Description
CSIRO operates an extensive portfolio of buildings and facilities across Australia. Through this RFT, CSIRO is seeking cleaning services for the CSIRO Tidbinbilla site Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex (CDSCC) to ensure CSIRO maintains its obligations under the relevant statutes and regulations and provides a safe working environment for all staff.
The Statement of Requirements (SoR), all Attachments and Annexures to the SoR set out the Services to be delivered and how performance will be measured. They detail the various tasks involved, outline the performance criteria that will be applied and detail any policies or standards to the services.
Tenderers are required to allow for all cleaning equipment and labour and may be required to provide some or all consumable items necessary for completion of the tasks specified as directed in the SoR and associated supporting documents.
Other Instructions:
Conditions for Participation:
5.1.1 Subject to clause 5.7, Unintentional Errors of Form, CSIRO will exclude a Tenderer from further consideration and evaluation if CSIRO considers in its absolute discretion that the conditions for participation set out in this clause have not been met by the Tenderer. Notwithstanding anything else contained in this RFT, only requirements listed in this clause will be deemed conditions for participation.
a. the Tenderer exists as a legal entity at the RFT Closing Time and Date
b. at the time of lodgement of their Tender, Tenderers must not have been:
i. precluded from tendering for Australian Government funded work or
ii. subject to a judicial decision against them relating to employee entitlements (not including decisions under appeal, and have not paid the claim
c. where the Tenderer is a Relevant Employer, the Tenderer is compliant with its obligations under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) (the WGE Act). Further information may be found at
Timeframe for Delivery: April 2025
Address for Lodgement: AusTender