
Aldershot Reserve District Playspace Design & Construct

Tender ID: 574269

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
3 December 2024
Closing Date:
14 January 2025

Tender Description

The City of Greater Geelong (the City) invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to undertake the Aldershot Reserve District Playspace Design & Construct contract.

Please refer to the tender documentation issued for further details regarding the full scope of services required under this contract.

This tender closes at 2:00pm, 14 January 2025. Late tenders will not be accepted.

Draft Contract:

Your organisation must review the Contract Terms & Conditions issued with this tender, as per eProcure Response Schedule 'Compliance and Conformance' section and submit any non-conformances at time of tender submission.


Please review the eProcure Response Schedule at the beginning of the tender period.

All submissions are to be provided online as an electronic response through this portal. All questions within the schedule must be responded to. Tenderers must answer all questions in each section and provide supporting documentation where required.

Tenderers must not upload a single proposal and state or answer with ‘please see in uploaded proposal’.

It is imperative that tenderers are aware of the format and content of the schedule when collating their tender submission and follow this format when submitting.

Instructions are available at the beginning of the eProcure Response Schedule and failure to respond in this format may result in the tender submission not being evaluated.

All questions are to be asked online through this portal by the closing time for questions. Answers will be provided by the tender panel accordingly.


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