
PROC-4714 - Drupal Developer - Website maintenance and technical support

Tender ID: 574304

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
3 December 2024
Closing Date:
16 December 2024

Tender Description

This Tender is invited by the Issuer.

The Customer is seeking to engage a suitable Supplier for the provision of ongoing website maintenance and Drupal technical support for the NDIS websites.

The Marketing Communications Branch at the NDIA requires technical and maintenance support to effectively manage the Agency’s website which includes:

  • System upgrades to improve publishing practices and processes
  • Fixing technical issues affecting website performance or prohibiting users accessing information
  • Change requests to refine existing features and functionality to improve user experience.
  • Developing new features and functionality to address business or user needs.
  • Support the development of the new website when needed.
  • Supplier’s Response must include information about their experience with:
  • System upgrades
  • Fixing technical issues affecting website performance or prohibiting users accessing information
  • Change requests to refine existing features and functionality to improve user experience
  • Developing new features and functionality to address business or user needs
  • Working with Government organisations
  • Working on large scale Drupal websites (monolithic architecture)
  • Meeting WCAG accessibility standards
  • Working with Google Tag Manager
  • Content management
  • Workflow support
  • System performance optimisation
  • Security and compliance
  • Quality assurance and testing
  • Ongoing maintenance and support.

The Marketing Communications Branch are seeking a resource to work alongside the Digital Delivery team to manage four existing Drupal websites and ensure seamless integration with Google Tag Manager (GTM). All Drupal websites are monolithic in architecture.

Based on prior experience and defined requirements, the Agency requires a dedicated resource with expertise in Drupal (including template engine management) with a minimum commitment of 15 hours per month.

This role will cover all four current websites, and the newly launched website development and customisation (launching in Beta mid-2025), content management, workflow support, system performance optimisation, security and compliance, quality assurance, testing, and ongoing maintenance and support. Proficiency in implementing, managing and maintaining Google Tag Manager (GTM) is highly desirable.

The resource will collaborate directly the Digital Delivery team within the Marketing Communications Branch. The resource will be embedded into the Digital Delivery team and will be required to work a minimum of 15 hours per month, and more during surge periods. For the Agency environments, the work will be assigned directly by the Digital Delivery team lead.

The Digital Delivery team will oversee all project and delivery management. The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) team will provide support and guidance for configuration management, environment access and releases. Release management responsibilities will remain with the OCIO team.

The Supplier must ensure the resource is available to support the Agency for the contract period defined. In the case of the resource deciding to leave the supplier or take planned annual leave, the supplier is responsible to replace the resource (including ensuring there is a developer who is on-call) to maintain continuity of the support (onboarding timeframes must be considered and adhered to) for the life of the contract. For short notice leave or illness, the supplier has one week to manage contingencies

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