ConCove ConstrucTrend: Longitudinal Survey RFP
Tender ID: 574706
Tender Details
Tender Description
We seek a skilled provider to design and implement the inaugural ConstrucTrend longitudinal survey. This survey will gather essential insights directly from practitioners in the carpentry, plumbing, and electrical trades within New Zealand’s construction and infrastructure sectors. In designing this survey, the provider will engage with key stakeholders—such as Workforce Development Councils (WDCs), the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), and other educational institutions—to identify data needs and craft questions that capture critical workforce trends, skills gaps, and training requirements.
Inspired by the BeLongEng survey in Australasia and the CEDEFOP ESJS model in Europe, this survey aims to provide analytics and insights that ensure vocational education aligns with industry demands, enabling workforce readiness.
We require a comprehensive and scalable survey framework that achieves the following:
- Robust Survey Design: A detailed methodology capturing the industry’s real-time and future skills needs and workforce challenges.
- Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement: Integration of input from WDCs, NZQA, TEC, other educational stakeholders, tertiary education institutions, and priority groups (Māori, Pasifika, and women) to ensure a broad, representative approach.
- Secure, Independent Data Storage: A data storage solution that safeguards participant privacy, is compliant with data sovereignty requirements and allows for future data portability for seamless handover for future iterations.
- Future-Proofing for Replicability: A flexible framework enabling future surveys to be conducted by the selected provider or other organisations, ensuring continuity and relevance in data collection.