Design, Manufacture and Installation of Assembly Machine for Coral Aquaculture
Tender ID: 574788
Tender Details
Tender Description
AIMS is one of several distinguished research organisations involved in the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program (RRAP;, the largest collaborative effort to help the Great Barrier Reef survive climate change. RRAP brings together some of the best minds in marine science, technology, and engineering, to create a toolkit of effective, at-scale Reef interventions that are feasible, safe, acceptable and affordable. These could be implemented if, when and where it is decided action is needed.
AIMS is working on programs to deliver the means to reliably breed corals in captivity at low cost and at medium scale. The ability to effectively mass-produce corals to high standards, underpins the success of medium to large-scale reef restoration initiatives and interventions and, could help conserve wild populations.
An integrated research and development program is underway to develop knowledge and methods to breed and propagate corals to reliably produce juveniles or fragments for deployment purposes, enhance growth and survival of coral juveniles and micro fragments post-deployment on the Reef, and design an aquaculture facility prototype and test breakthrough technologies and automation.
To support the automation of processes, a Coral Assembly Machine has been conceptualised for assembling concrete tiles with live juvenile coral grown in AIMS’ National Sea Simulator facility into a deployment device, with the aim of then deploying them to the reef to promote restoration.
This project is supported by funding from the Great Barrier Reef Foundation with co-investment by AIMS. The Great Barrier Reef Foundation is an independent entity registered with and regulated by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit-Commission. Its purpose is to support the protection and enhancement of tropical marine ecosystems and coral reefs (especially the Great Barrier Reef) and adjoining coasts and landscapes for the benefit of the world community including through the funding and provision of research, information, and education.
The successful Respondent to this Request for Tender will undertake design of the Coral Assembly Machine to meet the specified functional requirements and, assuming the design is approved to proceed, then manufacture the machine prior to testing and installation at AIMS’ facility near Townsville, Queensland. This machine will be a prototype and it is intended will be ready to support deployment programs before coral spawning in November 2025.
New South Wales : Central West : Far North Coast : Far West : Hunter : Illawarra : Mid North Coast : Murray : New England : Orana : Riverina : Southern Highlands : Sydney
Queensland : Cairns & Far North Queensland : Gladstone : Mackay Whitsunday Region : Mount Isa & North West Region : Rockhampton : South East Queensland : South West & Darling Downs : The Central West : Townsville : Wide Bay Burnett
Victoria : Barwon South West : Gippsland : Grampians : Hume : Loddon Mallee : Melbourne
South Australia : Adelaide : Eyre & Western : Far North : Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island : Limestone Coast : Murray & Mallee : York & Mid North
Northern Territory : Barkly : Big Rivers : Central Australia : East Arnhem : Greater Darwin : Top End
Australian Capital Territory