
Train-the-Trainer services for the Carbon Farming Outreach Program

Tender ID: 574868

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
10 December 2024
Closing Date:
31 January 2025

Tender Description

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (department) is seeking to engage a supplier with carbon farming and training/facilitator expertise to deliver Train-the-Trainer (TtT) sessions to trusted advisers of farmers and land managers between 2025–2028.

The TtT services aim to support trusted advisers to deliver information and advice to farmers and land managers on carbon farming, drawing on resources available under the Carbon Farming Outreach Program (CFOP).

A key outcome for this program is to increase the capacity of trusted advisers to deliver information and independent advice on carbon farming during and after the CFOP has concluded. These TtT services will help trusted advisers gain access to the information, resources, knowledge and skills they need to continue to provide advice beyond the life of the program.

Both the department and the supplier will use their industry knowledge and existing networks to identify cohorts to receive training. The department will work with the supplier to confirm training cohorts. Participants may include Commonwealth program staff and delivery partners (e.g., Future Drought Fund and Rural Financial Counselling Service), Natural Resource Management groups, agronomists and farm advisers, Rural Research and Development Corporations, and farming and land management groups and any other groups identified by the department.

The supplier is expected to utilise the CFOP Training Package to inform TtT resource development and training delivery (available at Carbon Farming Outreach Program training package - DCCEEW).

i. The supplier will be expected to update TtT materials throughout the contract period as directed by the Customer. For instance, to update training content based on new CFOP ‘Knowledge Bank’ resources published by the department (see Background). A daily fee-rate approach is proposed for costing of this additional work, to be agreed with the department.

ii. Potential suppliers may also propose to build on the existing CFOP resources, leveraging their industry expertise and understanding of carbon farming to develop additional training materials and resources, in line with the program’s objectives. This may include training materials and resources in the use of carbon accounting tools (e.g. FullCAM).

The supplier will be responsible for:

1. Development and refinement of Resources for the TtT Services

2. Delivering TtT Services (in-person or online)

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