
Consultancy Brief for Environmental Assessment - Windmill Walk Stage

Tender ID: 575046

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
31 January 2025
Awarded Date:
26 February 2025

Tender Description

The Gilgandra local government area is situated in the central west of NSW and covers an area of 4800 square kilometres, including the township of Gilgandra and three smaller villages of Tooraweenah, Armatree and Curban.

Gilgandra Shire Council is planning to proceed to the detailed design phase for the windmill walk extension scheme, as part of the Real Country project. Works will involve developments around the cultural and town centre precincts and an accessible walkway connecting the precincts and forming a loop with the existing windmill walk.

The objective of this brief is to seek quotations from a suitably qualified and experienced consultant to provide an environmental assessment of the potential impacts of the extension works, as indicated by the proposed alignments and concept images. Additionally, the consultant will make recommendations to ensure that the works are performed in an environmentally responsible and compliant manner.

ENQUIRIES: Quotation enquiries should be directed via the online forum (see option below).

Please note that all documents must be fully submitted by this time so tenderers should allow sufficient time to upload documents.

LOCAL PURCHASING POLICY: Gilgandra Shire Council has a local purchasing policy.

STATEMENT OF BUSINESS ETHICS: Gilgandra Shire Council will undertake this Quotation in accordance with its Statement of Business Ethics.

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Quotations close at 5pm on Friday, 31 January 2025 and submissions must be FULLY RECEIVED BY THIS TIME. The Council is not bound to accept the lowest priced Quotation or all or any part of a Quotation and reserves the right to conduct the Request for Quotation process and select the successful respondent(s) as it sees fit. Council staff are unable to respond to verbal enquiries in relation to the proposal. Late, verbal, faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted.


New South Wales   :   Orana  

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