Whangarei Maintenance and Renewals Contracts
Tender ID: 575114
Tender Details
Tender Description
WDC is seeking proposals from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors for the delivery of the WDC Road Maintenance and Renewals Contracts (North and South) for an initial 3-year term.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is an invitation to submit a Proposal to the Whangārei District Council for our Road Maintenance Contracts.
The contract is expected to start on 1 July 2025 and will run for a three-year period with a final end date of 30 June 2028, with potential of two, three year separable portions available, subject to performance measures.
The organiser of this contract is Laura Devcich of Whangarei District Council
Contact details are:
Phone: 021 440 200
Email: laura.devcich@wdc.govt.nz
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
S Weston
Chief Executive